The Client Attraction Collection: Workbook, Subliminal & EFT


THE ULTIMATE CLIENT ATTRACTION BUNDLE! For manifesting clients, customers and sales!

This bundle is designed to help you attract clients, customers and sales into your business, as well as energetically clear any resistance that is stopping you from receiving them. The EFT and Subliminal will programme you show up as your best for your business, believing clients are EVERYWHERE and that you have something valuable to offer. The workbook will help you get clear on the positive energy that is driving your business so you manifest results! It will also support you to understand the energy exchange between you and your ideal customer and to connect to the feelings on both sides when the transaction takes place. Because it's not all about what we can gain, but it's also about the feelings we get to give to our ideal clients, when they decide our product is for them. And believe me, there's an abundance of people who need what you have to offer!

Bundle Includes:

  • A 55:55 minute long POWERFUL Subliminal (please note the short version of this is available inside Esther's Youtube membership)

  • 8 minutes of EFT tapping (video is longer)

  • An 11 page workbook of Manifestation Coaching prompts, exercises and guidance.

Sending you blessings, the sales are yours!

Esther xXx

Disclaimer: It is recommended that you consult your health practitioner before using EFT. It is not a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, professional mental health care or substance abuse treatment. It can be used to compliment existing treatment plans but should not be used in place of any form of therapy or medical care and it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. Esther is not a medical practitioner, or financial advisor and you are responsible for your own well being if you choose to use EFT. Whilst Esther see many clients finding emotional relief and healing from tapping, sometimes they uncover deeper traumas, please be aware of this before choosing to tap, and please seek advice from a qualified health professional if anything surfaces. Please also be aware that this is a short power session and doesn’t cover all bases or your own personal circumstances. To discuss private coaching and EFT Sessions with Esther, please email:

Subliminal: Ideally listen before bed, with or without headphones. Do not listen to whilst driving or operating heavy machinery, but you can listen whilst studying, meditating, doing house chores, etc.